We invite you to vote for the best project videos by November 26th. Out of all 37 videos, please select three videos you like the most, and assign them with one, two, or three points. Be sure to give three points to the video you like the most.
The three videos with the highest total points will be awarded at the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020 closing event on December 7th.
- Information about the project
Hiking project
The project overall objective was to increase number of visitors to the Program area through developing and promoting two joint cross-border nature long distance hiking trails crossing Latvia and Lithuania. The Forest Trail in Latvia and Lithuania, and The Baltic Coastal Hiking Route in Lithuania was developed and promoted. Both trails link with the existing long distance hiking trails in Latvia and Estonia filling the gap in long distance hiking trail network. Common trail titles and marking systems is used.
The Forest Trail is linked with the Forest Trail Riga-Tallinn, that was developed under the Central Baltic program project No. 779 "Long distance cross border hiking trail The Forest Trail". The total length of the Forest Trail in all three Baltic states is 2141 km.
The Baltic Coastal Hiking Route starts from LV/LT border and goes for 216 km in Lithuania. The route expanded the present Coastal Hiking Route Tallinn – Riga – Nida village (in LV) that has been developed under EST-LAT program project No. 22 "Coastal Hiking Route along the Baltic Sea Coastline in Latvia and Estonia". Lithuania was the only gap for the European long distance route E9. With Lithuania added, the Baltic Coastal Route covers all three Baltic states and is 1419 km long.
Maps and tourism guides were developed to promote the routes. Information is available also on the route website.Project video
- Information about the project
Self-service libraries for different generations
The project was implemented by 3 partners – Jelgava City Library, Liepaja Central Scientific Library from Latvia, and Siauliai city municipality public library from Lithuania. The main objective of the project was an improvement of the efficiency of public libraries and the customer-oriented approach in library services, assuming the specifics of all generations of customers living in or visiting a cross-border (CB) cooperation area of the project. Partnering libraries agreed to implement the project in order to improve the overall environment and services. The introduction of new and improvement of existing services facilitated the personal development and education of different visitors, users, and customers of libraries living and visiting Jelgava, Liepaja, and Siauliai. In particular, it was expected that people would be able to improve their knowledge in life sciences, foreign languages, technologies, and computer literacy, as well as to develop skills of creativity, logical thinking, communication, presentation, assuming and benefiting from the generational differences.
Project video
- Information about the project
Safe School
The project will raise awareness among pupils and teachers of the actions to be taken in different situations that may endanger the safety of students on both sides of the border.
Project will improve students' knowledge of the traffic regulation and the need to comply with it, safe use of internet and how to manage conflict situations. Safe environment will be ensured not only at school, but also on the way to it by improving infrastructure – creating video surveillance systems in the territories of Jēkabpils, Iecava, Jonišķis and Pakruojis schools and surroundings, improving Pakruojis district Žeimelis gymnasium lighting, installing school fences in Pakruojis and Jēkabpils schools, as well as by installing high-speed radars at Iecava Secondary School territory. The project's activities include six training cycles for 180 education specialists, experience exchange seminars, 8 training seminars on potential risks and dangers on the internet, as well as four trainings to reduce peer violence through the drama method. Also One-day orienteering competition for students will be organised in Jēkabpils, Pakruojis, Joniskis as well as Iecava to inform the public about the work done and the improvements made during the project. As a result of the project, new momentum will be found to address the issue of violence in schools and society, as well as to create a safer environment.Project video
- Information about the project
"Raudondvaris Manor (Lithuania) together with partner Bauska Castle museum (Latvia) implemented the joint project “Historic road: Raudondvaris – Bauska (LLI-498: HRRB)” during the 2021-2022. The aim of the project was to increase the number of tourists in Kaunas District and Bauska region during the autumn and winter seasons by creating artistic, educational and sports activities, with aspiration to attract visitors with different interests (cultural and active leisure enthusiasts (including youth), history and heritage lovers, etc.). All foreseen activities were oriented to increase attractiveness of historic and cultural heritage of partner regions.
New common tourism route Raudondvaris-Bauska was created to promote the cultural heritage of partners’ regions during the off season. Also presented new creative thematic educations “Baltic treasure”, during which participants have opportunity to create handmade souvenirs based on the old crafts heritage of Kaunas district and Bauska region and “Artificial lighting in Renaissance castle”, tha informs on lighting elements used in renaissance and invites to try activities, that people were occupied with during those historic late evenings. During the project visitors participated in musical artistic programs “Night in Renaissance” and “Early music (15th – 17th” century) concert series” together with performances in Raudondvaris Manor and Bauska Castle museum. Moreover, project activities included preparation of thematic exhibition “Artillery in 17th century” in Bauska Castle museum and organization of two “Castle day” festivals in autumn in Raudondvaris Manor. Also the purchase of necessary equipment (replicas of music instruments, renaissance lightings, ice rink, equipment for concerts) for project implementation were made.
Various local artists and craftsmen participated in creative workshops and other project activities in both regions, during which they had a chance to exchange experience."
- Information about the project
Hiking project
"The Forest Trail in Latvia and Lithuania, and The Baltic Coastal Hiking Route in Lithuania was developed and promoted. Both are linkt with the existing long distance hiking trails in Latvia and Estonia filling the gap in long distance hiking trail network. Common trail titles and marking systems was used.
The Baltic Coastal Hiking Route after project realisation start from LV/LT border and go for a 174 km in Lithuania. The route expand the present Coastal Hiking Route Tallinn – Riga – Nida village (in LV) that has been developed under EST-LAT program project No. 22 ‘Coastal Hiking Route along the Baltic Sea Coastline in Latvia and Estonia’. Lithuania was the only gap for the European long distance route E9. With Lithuania added, the Baltic Coastal Route cover all three Baltic States and are 1374 km long."
- Information about the project
"Project "" Creation of a synergy platform for the public security in the Latvian and Lithuanian Eastern border territories"" has been elaborated basing on the most actual problems in previous years, which can only be effectively solved at the cross-border level.The common challenges are lack of institutional cross-border cooperation combating cross-border crime, public security and illegal immigration, where Eastern Latvia and Lithuania are used as transit areas for further crime moving to Europe. Joining the resources of Latvian and Lithuanian law enforcement authorities and local municipalities, the following common solutions will be implemented for institutional capacity building and cooperation on cross-border level: creation of the synergy platform for the state security, strengthening and enhancing cooperation between citizens, law enforcement authorities and local governments. There will be installed the intellectual night and day video surveillance systems with state vehicle registration number recognition on all international routes and domestic transit routes in Latvian and Lithuania Eastern border territories, as well as significantly improved the technical equipment for police and border guard in both countries in order to combat the cross-border crime. During 2 years the security information campaign ""Look and speak!"" will be implemented. The cross-border cooperation between project partners is strongly based on the Schengen Borders Code requires strengthening the area of the border through operational and cross-border cooperation in preventing and combating serious and organized crime, including
human trafficking and smuggling."Project video
- Information about the project
"Creation of international tourist route ""The Struve Geodetic Arc""
Project duration: 01.07.2020 - 30.06.2023
Project total budget: 850 509.70 EUR (Inc. ERDF financing: 722 933.24 EURProject aim - improving tourism infrastructure of the Struve geodetic arc points in Latvia and Lithuania, to make the cultural heritage accessible and attractive to be included into the cross border and international tourism routes.
Project Specific Objective 1
Improvement of basic and cognitive tourism infrastructure of the Struve geodetic arc sites
Project Specific Objective 2
Development and promotion of the international cognitive tourism route
Project Specific Objective 3
Investments in sustainability of the developed international tourism route "" The Struve geodetic arc""Video about improved infrastructure of the Struve Geodetic arc station point ""Jacobstadt"" (Struve Park)"
- Information about the project
"Otrā dzīve. Materiālu pārvērtības. Kopā ar mums ir meistari - burvji visīstākajā nozīmē, kas māk pārbur skrūvi par suni, lupatu par upi, maizes maisiņu par kleitu, malkas pagali par dārgumu lādi, stikla lausku par ziedu, māla pikuci par putnu... Te skaties īsfilmu par īstiem burvjiem! #latlit #practicalarts #kraslava
Sižets tapis Latvijas-Lietuvas programmas projekta LLI-489 #PRACTICAL ARTS"" ietvaros."Project video
- Information about the project
Hiking Project
"Project „Development of Forest trail In Latvia and Lithuania and expanding the Baltic Coastal Hiking route in Lithuania“ addresses the challenge defined by the Programme - sustainable preservation, promotion and development of natural and cultural heritage objects, services and products. The Forest Trail in Latvia and Lithuania, and The Baltic Coastal Hiking Route in Lithuania were developed and promoted. Both have linked the existing long distance hiking trails filling the gap in long distance hiking trail network.
The Baltic Coastal Hiking Route was developed and marked from LV/LT border for 216 km in Lithuania. The Baltic Coastal Hiking Route has cover all three Baltic states with more than 1400 km long trail. Benefits were gained by local stakeholders running their businesses along both trails – accommodation, food, transport service providers, local shops and others receiving more visitors in the area. Social environment in local areas has improved local networking and participation in trail development. Travel industry has received an opportunity to develop tour packages based on hiking facilities and local services. Hikers and ramblers have received a new long distance hiking destination in the Baltics. Image of Programme area as a hiking and nature tourism destination has improved. A long distance hiking trail was implemented for the first time in Lithuania. The Baltic Coastal Hiking trail was certified with the Leading Quality Trail – Best of Europe certificate. "Project video
- Information about the project
Various public education and wetlands management activities have been implemented within the project in Daugavpils and Anykščiai: website https://urbanwetland.eu/ has been developed. It provides an electronic catalogue of the most important species and biotopes of the Esplanade Wetland in Daugavpils and the Green Pond in Anykščiai. The descriptions of the species and biotopes are available in Latvian, Lithuanian, English and Russian. The eco-education materials section of the website include various educational games. In the “Observations” section visitors of the Esplanade Wetland in Daugavpils and the Green Pond in Anykščiai can upload photos of their observations of the wetlands; online cameras have been installed in the Esplanade Wetland in Daugavpils and the Green Pond in Anykščiai, which are live-streaming via the website. The cameras are placed on specially designed pontoons and operate autonomously. The energy needed to operate the cameras is generated by a solar panel. The solutions chosen for the project minimise potential disturbance to the nesting bird populations in the area, large-scale measures to restore the green infrastructure of two urban wetlands were implemented. Pond improvement works were implemented in the territory of the Esplanade to enhance the green infrastructure of Daugavpils and Anykščiai urban wetlands – mowing of trees and shrubs, creation of an open water system and pond system, removal of excess water plants. The territory of the Latgale Zoo and the territory of Anykščiai green pond was improved: arranged sidewalks, driveways and footpaths, landscaped lawn, planted trees and shrubs. In the territory benches, rubbish bins and bicycle stand were installed. A video surveillance system has been installed, as well as a visitor counter. Binoculars and aqua scopes have been purchased for the Latgale Zoo and will be used to organise environmental education activities in order to raise environmental awareness among residents and visitors.
Project video
- Information about the project
"The overall objective of the project was to improve public safety in Lithuanian - Latvian border region: Klaipeda county in Lithuania and Kurzeme region in Latvia by improving skills of employees of Palanga and Liepaja municipalities and staff of Klaipeda County Police Headquarters and State Police of Latvia.
Officials of the Kurzeme Region Administration of the State Police have acquired equipment within the framework OF project LLI-451 “SCAPE II”, which is useful and facilitates everyday work:
- monitors to be used for online video surveillance in the Kurzeme region,
- night vision binoculars “LUNA OPTICAL LN-G3-B50”, which have a recording function, performing work during night time, which is related to traffic monitoring and hunting control, as well as performing separate operational activities. The binoculars also can be placed on a stand, connect to a phone over the wireless Internet in live stream.
- portable mobile video surveillance cameras “REOLINK GO G4” with tablets are useful for public safety observation.
- file storage servers shall ensure full storage and systematisation of the information necessary for the Service.
We have also organised a two-day seminar in Liepaja on the exchange of experience in preventive measures for the control of poaching, illegal anglers in the border area on the nearest roads and at water bodies, as well as participated in a two-day seminar in Lithuania, Klaipeda on “practical aspects of video surveillance technologies in law enforcement”. The seminar was run by various professionals from Lithuania. The neurotechnology representative provided insights into the possibilities of finding matches in person recognition for public video cameras. Video surveillance and analytical specificity technology representative informed about individual body cameras, their technical parameters and possibilities for use."Project video
- Information about the project
"The overall objective of the project was to improve efficiency of public services by strengthening capacities and cooperation between institutions in the regions of Western Lithuania and Kurzeme. Project goal was to improve cooperation and coordination between institutions responsible for the safety of people in the water, readiness of rescuers and to ensure the daily use of modern rescue equipment.
Staff training, organization of joint exercises, cooperation, exchange of experiences and good practices was taken.
Kurzeme Region of the State Police has purchased equipment:
• an off-road vehicle and trailer to quickly and easily access objects in off road locations, so that evidence of the accidents can be moved, patrolled and maintained in public order,
• quadricycle - for use in off road rural areas and to provide assistance to people on the beach, as well as missing people search in the forests,
• life-saving kits - includes a lifebuoy, a 8 metre roll-up ladder, an axe, a casting line with a length of string of 25 metres, a crowbar, a folding blade, specialized scissors for cutting fabric and metal wires, and a waterproof material storage bag.
The project’s training took place:
- in Liepaja, whose goal was to acquire basic knowledge – what to do on a place of the scene.
Experience was shared by the main specialist in practical training at the Lithuanian fire School. Videos from real situations were analysed
Firefighters from the Kurzeme Region Brigade of the State fire and Rescue Service also shared their experience. Equipment to save a drowning person was demonstrated for the proper use of specialised rescue equipment (lifeboat and casting line).
- in Nida (Lithuania), where various mannequins were used to show the difference between assisting an adult and a baby. Participants were introduced to various types of defibrillators."Project video
- Information about the project
"Use of Unique Geological and Geomorphological Nature Values in the Development of Green Cognitive Tourism.
Zemgale, Šiauliai and Panevėžys regions are rich with unique geological and geomorphological objects that have been formed over the centuries. However, tourism potential of such unique natural objects as hot falls, caves, rock outcrops and many other is not used in full. The overall objective of the project is to increase the number of visitors to this territory. Thus, new possibilities for sustainable and cognitive tourism focussing on geological and geomorphological objects and expositions will be created and promoted, and at the same time knowledge and competences of the persons involved in tourism sector will be enhanced.
During the project it is planned to identify unique geological and geomorphological objects in the partner regions and elaborate new cross-border tourism route. Also, multifunctional cognitive velopark in Aizkraukle, informative stands and cognitive expositions near the geological and geomorphological objects in the Biržai Regional Park, museum of Skaistkalne and Aizkraukle will be established.
The project aims to create sustainable and cognitive tourism offer, increase the flow of visitors in regions and enhance the knowledge and awareness of the unique nature values around us."Project video
- Information about the project
"Use of Unique Geological and Geomorphological Nature Values in the Development of Green Cognitive Tourism.
Zemgale, Šiauliai and Panevėžys regions are rich with unique geological and geomorphological objects that have been formed over the centuries. However, tourism potential of such unique natural objects as hot falls, caves, rock outcrops and many other is not used in full. The overall objective of the project is to increase the number of visitors to this territory. Thus, new possibilities for sustainable and cognitive tourism focussing on geological and geomorphological objects and expositions will be created and promoted, and at the same time knowledge and competences of the persons involved in tourism sector will be enhanced.
During the project it is planned to identify unique geological and geomorphological objects in the partner regions and elaborate new cross-border tourism route. Also, multifunctional cognitive velopark in Aizkraukle, informative stands and cognitive expositions near the geological and geomorphological objects in the Biržai Regional Park, museum of Skaistkalne and Aizkraukle will be established.
The project aims to create sustainable and cognitive tourism offer, increase the flow of visitors in regions and enhance the knowledge and awareness of the unique nature values around us."Project video
- Information about the project
Explore Balts
"Project Explore Balts continues project Balts’ Road with activities which will increase awareness, recognition and exploration of Balts. Balts’ Road itinerary is 2145 km long, connected by irregular loops or extending lines that include territories once inhabited by Curonians (~ 790 km), Semigallians (~ 620 km) and Sellonians (~ 735 km) in Lithuania and Latvia.
Balts’ Road combines unique natural and cultural objects such as Balts’ cult areas: springs, trees, forests and lakes, exclusive monuments, modern interesting places, educational programs offered by craftsmen and local cuisine.Selpils in the Middle Ages/3D
Sēlpils historic center 3D visualization | Selonia. In a place where only a small flooded island in the river Daugava can be seen nowadays - part of the Sēlpils hillfort, in ancient times was a populated and bustling development center of our ancestors. Now, with the help of video, everyone can imagine and get an idea of what the political-economic and power center of the Balts people in the territory of Latvia looked like in ancient times. The video shows Sēlpils at the beginning of the 13th century as the political and economic center of the Selonia land at that time with Sēlpils Castle on an ancient dolomite erosion on the left bank of the river Daugava and ancient town. Sēlpils is considered to be one of the most important Balts political and economic centers in the territory of Latvia and the Baltic region. The reconstruction of Sēlpils was carried out based on the archaeological research that took place in the Sēlpils ancient site complex from 1963-1965."
Project video
- Information about the project
Explore Balts
"Project Explore Balts continues project Balts’ Road with activities which will increase awareness, recognition and exploration of Balts. Balts’ Road itinerary is 2145 km long, connected by irregular loops or extending lines that include territories once inhabited by Curonians (~ 790 km), Semigallians (~ 620 km) and Sellonians (~ 735 km) in Lithuania and Latvia.
Balts’ Road combines unique natural and cultural objects such as Balts’ cult areas: springs, trees, forests and lakes, exclusive monuments, modern interesting places, educational programs offered by craftsmen and local cuisine.Tervete in the Middle Ages/3D
Tērvete 3D visualization / Semigallia. In the place where nowadays only Tērvete Hillfort with picturesque surroundings can be seen, in ancient times was a populated and bustling development center of our ancestors. Now, with the help of video, everyone can imagine and get an idea of what the political-economic and power center of the Balts people in the territory of Latvia looked like in ancient times. The video shows Tērvete in the Middle Ages, which includes Tērvete wooden castle in Tērvete hillfort with castle-fronts, hillock Putnu kalns, hillock Svētais kalns and the territory of the ancient town with Tērvete river. Tērvete has been a powerful center of the ancient Semigallians, whose inhabitants fought for their political and economic independence until the middle of the 14th century and is considered one of the largest Balts political and economic centers in the late Iron and Early Middle Ages in Latvia and Eastern and Northern Europe. The reconstruction of Tērvete was carried out based on the archaeological research works that took place in the Tērvete ancient site complex from 1951-1960; 1975; 2013; 2014; 2018; 2021."
Project video
- Information about the project
Balts' Road
"Balts' Road - Semigallians, Selonians.
Semigallians and Selonians - ancient Baltic tribes, one of the founding peoples of Latvia and Lithuania, that during the Iron Age and Middle Ages, inhabited the central part of Latvia, northern Lithuania, the south-eastern part of Latvia and the northern part of Lithuania.
The main objective of the project - to increase number of visitors to the Programme area by creating cross-border itinerary “Balts' Road”. In order to reach this objective, following sub-objectives are set:
To increase the acquaintance and awareness raising about preservation of Balts’ tangible and intangible cultural and natural heritage;
To develop new innovative and sustainable touristic product;
To improve quality and to ensure diversification of cultural tourism services, products and accessibility.
The main problems, which are going to be solved during implementation of the project, are common to each project partner: 1) the potential of cultural and natural heritage is not used to the full extent for sustainable economic growth, social, cultural and recreational societal needs; 2) the lack of awareness of local inhabitants and visitors about the sustainable preservation and promotion of cultural and natural heritage objects.
Seeking to promote the sustainable preservation, development and popularization of natural and cultural heritage objects, services and products, two nations must act together."Project video
- Information about the project
"The project was implemented with the aim of promoting the availability of social services in the regions, the social inclusion of people with functional disabilities, seniors, families at risk, and children. Create or improve multifunctional centers where social services and inclusion measures will be provided.
The experience and contacts gained have made it possible to improve the existing social inclusion centers and the services provided by multi-functional centers in Rokiški, Plunge and Biržu districts. Completely new social service centers have been established in Auce, Lielplatone and Vecumnieki.Three new social service centers have been established in Zemgale – Day center for children and seniors “Baltā māja” in Dobele district, Day care center “Upe” in Jelgava district and multifunctional social service center “Sarkanā skola” in Bauska district."
Project video
- Information about the project
"To improve the students’ skills of various emergency situations in schools, there have been six interactive training activities on road safety and safe way to school, eight trainings on safe use of the Internet, eight training seminars on potential risks and dangers on the internet, as well as four trainings to reduce peer violence through the drama method. Students could test their safe cycling knowledge and skills by participating in competitions in Iecava. And they also could improve their cooperation skills by participating in summer cross-border Educational and Recreational Camp “Safe School for Safe Life”. In addition one-day orienteering competition for students was organised in Jēkabpils, Pakruojis, Joniskis and Iecava to inform the public about the work done and the improvements made during the project.
Safe environment was ensured not only at school, but also on the way to it by improving the infrastructure – creating video surveillance systems in the territories of Jēkabpils, Iecava, Jonišķis and Pakruojis schools and surroundings, improving Pakruojis district Žeimelis gymnasium lighting, installing school fences in Pakruojis and Jēkabpils schools, and by installing speed radars at Iecava Secondary School territory and creating safe cycling training area."Project video
- Information about the project
The main goal of the project was to increase the efficiency of management and governance of public water bodies. One of the main problems of lakes is eutrophication. For that we created educational campaign for children around 10 years with explanation what is eutrophication and how to prevent it. One of education tools is animated movie about eutrophication and what we can do to prevent it.
Project video
- Information about the project
"The project was implemented with the aim of promoting the availability of social services in the regions, the social inclusion of people with functional disabilities, seniors, families at risk, and children. Create or improve multifunctional centers where social services and inclusion measures will be provided.
During the implementation of the project, experience exchange events and educational events for specialists of multi-functional centers, cross-border social inclusion events for seniors and children, as well as other online and face-to-face events took place.
The experience and contacts gained have made it possible to improve the existing social inclusion centers and the services provided by multi-functional centers in Rokiški, Plunge and Biržu districts. Completely new social service centers have been established in Auce, Lielplatone and Vecumnieki.
Three new social service centers have been established in Zemgale – Day center for children and seniors “Baltā māja” in Dobele district, Day care center “Upe” in Jelgava district and multifunctional social service center “Sarkanā skola” in Bauska district."
Project video
- Information about the project
"The project was implemented with the aim of promoting the availability of social services in the regions, the social inclusion of people with functional disabilities, seniors, families at risk, and children. Create or improve multifunctional centers where social services and inclusion measures will be provided.
During the implementation of the project, experience exchange events and educational events for specialists of multi-functional centers, cross-border social inclusion events for seniors and children, as well as other online and face-to-face events took place.
The experience and contacts gained have made it possible to improve the existing social inclusion centers and the services provided by multi-functional centers in Rokiški, Plunge and Biržu districts. Completely new social service centers have been established in Auce, Lielplatone and Vecumnieki.
Three new social service centers have been established in Zemgale – Day center for children and seniors “Baltā māja” in Dobele district, Day care center “Upe” in Jelgava district and multifunctional social service center “Sarkanā skola” in Bauska district."
Project video
- Information about the project
"The project was implemented with the aim of promoting the availability of social services in the regions, the social inclusion of people with functional disabilities, seniors, families at risk, and children. Create or improve multifunctional centers where social services and inclusion measures will be provided.
During the implementation of the project, experience exchange events and educational events for specialists of multi-functional centers, cross-border social inclusion events for seniors and children, as well as other online and face-to-face events took place.
The experience and contacts gained have made it possible to improve the existing social inclusion centers and the services provided by multi-functional centers in Rokiški, Plunge and Biržu districts. Completely new social service centers have been established in Auce, Lielplatone and Vecumnieki.
Three new social service centers have been established in Zemgale – Day center for children and seniors “Baltā māja” in Dobele district, Day care center “Upe” in Jelgava district and multifunctional social service center “Sarkanā skola” in Bauska district."
Project video
- Information about the project
"The project was implemented with the aim of promoting the availability of social services in the regions, the social inclusion of people with functional disabilities, seniors, families at risk, and children. Create or improve multifunctional centers where social services and inclusion measures will be provided.
During the implementation of the project, experience exchange events and educational events for specialists of multi-functional centers, cross-border social inclusion events for seniors and children, as well as other online and face-to-face events took place.
The experience and contacts gained have made it possible to improve the existing social inclusion centers and the services provided by multi-functional centers in Rokiški, Plunge and Biržu districts. Completely new social service centers have been established in Auce, Lielplatone and Vecumnieki.
Three new social service centers have been established in Zemgale – Day center for children and seniors “Baltā māja” in Dobele district, Day care center “Upe” in Jelgava district and multifunctional social service center “Sarkanā skola” in Bauska district."
Project video
- Information about the project
"The project was implemented with the aim of promoting the availability of social services in the regions, the social inclusion of people with functional disabilities, seniors, families at risk, and children. Create or improve multifunctional centers where social services and inclusion measures will be provided.
During the implementation of the project, experience exchange events and educational events for specialists of multi-functional centers, cross-border social inclusion events for seniors and children, as well as other online and face-to-face events took place.
The experience and contacts gained have made it possible to improve the existing social inclusion centers and the services provided by multi-functional centers in Rokiški, Plunge and Biržu districts. Completely new social service centers have been established in Auce, Lielplatone and Vecumnieki.
Three new social service centers have been established in Zemgale – Day center for children and seniors “Baltā māja” in Dobele district, Day care center “Upe” in Jelgava district and multifunctional social service center “Sarkanā skola” in Bauska district."
Project video
- Information about the project
"The project was implemented with the aim of promoting the availability of social services in the regions, the social inclusion of people with functional disabilities, seniors, families at risk, and children. Create or improve multifunctional centers where social services and inclusion measures will be provided.
During the implementation of the project, experience exchange events and educational events for specialists of multi-functional centers, cross-border social inclusion events for seniors and children, as well as other online and face-to-face events took place.
The experience and contacts gained have made it possible to improve the existing social inclusion centers and the services provided by multi-functional centers in Rokiški, Plunge and Biržu districts. Completely new social service centers have been established in Auce, Lielplatone and Vecumnieki.
Three new social service centers have been established in Zemgale – Day center for children and seniors “Baltā māja” in Dobele district, Day care center “Upe” in Jelgava district and multifunctional social service center “Sarkanā skola” in Bauska district."
Project video
- Information about the project
"To improve the students’ skills of various emergency situations in schools, there have been six interactive training activities on road safety and safe way to school, eight trainings on safe use of the Internet, eight training seminars on potential risks and dangers on the internet, as well as four trainings to reduce peer violence through the drama method. Students could test their safe cycling knowledge and skills by participating in competitions in Iecava. And they also could improve their cooperation skills by participating in summer cross-border Educational and Recreational Camp “Safe School for Safe Life”. In addition one-day orienteering competition for students was organised in Jēkabpils, Pakruojis, Joniskis and Iecava to inform the public about the work done and the improvements made during the project.
Safe environment was ensured not only at school, but also on the way to it by improving the infrastructure – creating video surveillance systems in the territories of Jēkabpils, Iecava, Jonišķis and Pakruojis schools and surroundings, improving Pakruojis district Žeimelis gymnasium lighting, installing school fences in Pakruojis and Jēkabpils schools, and by installing speed radars at Iecava Secondary School territory and creating safe cycling training area."Project video
- Information about the project
"To improve the students’ skills of various emergency situations in schools, there have been six interactive training activities on road safety and safe way to school, eight trainings on safe use of the Internet, eight training seminars on potential risks and dangers on the internet, as well as four trainings to reduce peer violence through the drama method. Students could test their safe cycling knowledge and skills by participating in competitions in Iecava. And they also could improve their cooperation skills by participating in summer cross-border Educational and Recreational Camp “Safe School for Safe Life”. In addition one-day orienteering competition for students was organised in Jēkabpils, Pakruojis, Joniskis and Iecava to inform the public about the work done and the improvements made during the project.
Safe environment was ensured not only at school, but also on the way to it by improving the infrastructure – creating video surveillance systems in the territories of Jēkabpils, Iecava, Jonišķis and Pakruojis schools and surroundings, improving Pakruojis district Žeimelis gymnasium lighting, installing school fences in Pakruojis and Jēkabpils schools, and by installing speed radars at Iecava Secondary School territory and creating safe cycling training area."Project video
- Information about the project
"To improve the students’ skills of various emergency situations in schools, there have been six interactive training activities on road safety and safe way to school, eight trainings on safe use of the Internet, eight training seminars on potential risks and dangers on the internet, as well as four trainings to reduce peer violence through the drama method. Students could test their safe cycling knowledge and skills by participating in competitions in Iecava. And they also could improve their cooperation skills by participating in summer cross-border Educational and Recreational Camp “Safe School for Safe Life”. In addition one-day orienteering competition for students was organised in Jēkabpils, Pakruojis, Joniskis and Iecava to inform the public about the work done and the improvements made during the project.
Safe environment was ensured not only at school, but also on the way to it by improving the infrastructure – creating video surveillance systems in the territories of Jēkabpils, Iecava, Jonišķis and Pakruojis schools and surroundings, improving Pakruojis district Žeimelis gymnasium lighting, installing school fences in Pakruojis and Jēkabpils schools, and by installing speed radars at Iecava Secondary School territory and creating safe cycling training area."Project video
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Tour de Crafts
The project intends to stimulate sustainable use of traditional skills in craftsmanship by preserving and promoting it as a common feature and joint tourism product of the cultural and historical heritage of the Latvia-Lithuania cross-border area that could attract the interest of tourists. It will be targeted at the sector of craftsmanship and local craftsmen and artists as preservers and promoters of local cultural heritage and traditions of Latgale and Zemgale regions in Latvia and Utena and Panevežys counties in Lithuania.
Project video
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"The project's primary goal was the development of a Network of Family Digital Activity Hubs, also known as DigiHubs, aimed at promoting well-being and offering educational support in Eastern Aukštaitija and Southern Latgale. In pursuit of this objective, the project partners successfully created a novel and widely adopted public service, thereby enhancing the efficiency of public services in the region.
The project fostered knowledge exchange between Latvian and Lithuanian partners in digital competence development. Through seminars and study trips, they built the foundation for the innovative DigiHubs service.
Throughout the project's implementation, the technological infrastructure of four libraries was significantly upgraded. New technologies, such as virtual reality, 3D programming, Lego Mindstorms robots, an interactive bicycle, Kinect, and Ibeacon, were procured, installed, and made accessible to the public. This improvement granted residents of Utena, Zarasai, Daugavpils, and Preili municipalities the opportunity to explore cutting-edge technological innovations and scientific advancements. Furthermore, a wealth of interactive educational content was developed through successful collaboration among all participating libraries and technology experts. This included virtual reality tours, interactive bicycle tours, Kinect-based quizzes, and an Ibeacon library and literature guide. These new additions expanded the quantity and quality of previously available digital content, empowering individuals to broaden their horizons, acquire new insights into the regions of Latvia and Lithuania, and develop valuable digital skills."Project video
- Information about the project
"The main goal of the project was to promote the development of tourism based on the historical, natural and cultural heritage that was associated with life along the rivers.
The project activities attracted many tourists in three ways: offered to visit new places, invited new tourists to new attractions and events in existing and new tourist areas, invited existing tourists to return and extend their stay."
Project video
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I can work
"I can work" is the credo of a disabled person's life, which came into our activities through a project funded by the LAT-LIT programme. Our activities taught us how to acquire working skills in cooking, learning how to buy products, making plates and cups out of ceramics. Participating in city and institutional events with the delicacies we made, encouraged us, made us more courageous and more self-confident. Labyrinth therapy has become a methodology and activity for our daily relaxation from work and activities, emotions and self-management. How interesting it is to make a labyrinth of our emotions. It is different every time. And if I need to be active, I can do it in the outdoor labyrinth, following its paths. So - I can be like you, I can realise myself to the best of my abilities, and I have the right to the special techniques available to me that suit my personality. Disability is a condition, not a diagnosis. Disability has many talents, one of which is to adapt to circumstances and to find ways of expressing oneself in the current circumstances. I can work if the environment is patient and friendly."
Project video
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Safe school
- Information about the project
I see
Project aimed to promote equal attitudes towards persons with disabilities and to improve social inclusion of persons with visual impairments. Social services and infrastructure in Latvia-Lithuania border regions had been improved by adapting infrastructure, equipment and providing targeted events. Main beneficiaries of the project were visually impaired and disabled persons.
Project video
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Balt's Road
The aim was to increase thw number of visitors to the Programme area by creating cross-border cultural route “Balts’ Road”. The main activities involved the creation of the Centre of Ancient Balts in Siauliai, modern exposition “The Evolution of Folk Costumes in Zemgale” in Jelgava and exposition “Curonians route in Talsi region” in Talsi, feasibility study and creatiopon of the new route. Along with it, a series of trainings for stakeholders were organised and marketing activities carried out, such as the tourism brochure on the route, promotional tours for mass media representatives, tourism map, participation in tourism fairs, etc. Annual event the Balts' Unity Day organised in 2017 in Siauliai and 2018 in Jelgava.
Project video
- Information about the project
Safe school
"The project raised awareness among students and teachers about actions to be taken in various situations that may threaten the safety of students on both sides of the border.
The project improved students' knowledge of traffic regulation and the need to comply with it, safe use of the Internet and conflict resolution. A safe environment was ensured not only at the school, but also on the way there by improving the infrastructure - by creating video surveillance systems in the school grounds and surroundings of Jēkabpils, Iecavas, Joniškis and Pakruojis, by improving the lighting of the Žeimelis gymnasium in Pakruojis district, by installing school fences for schools in Pakruojis and Jēkabpils, as well as by installing high-speed radars in the territory of Iecava secondary school. The project's activities included training cycles for education specialists, experience sharing seminars, training seminars on possible risks and dangers on the Internet, as well as training on reducing peer violence using the drama method. In order to promote public awareness, several videos were created within the project."Project video